When you give to the Charity & Development Appeal you support the work of more than 70 organizations and ministries in our Diocese, transforming the lives of thousands of people. Together, we can put our faith into action. Together, we can do more than any one parish or person can do. Blessed are you!

Learn more about Bishop Dolan’s support of the Charity and Development Appeal soon!

Million in Grant Allocations
Million Catholics
Catholic Schools
Local Seminary
Charities, Ministries and Organizations

Thank You for Supporting the CDA!

Your generosity helped boost the Charity & Development Appeal to new heights this year. The Diocese of Phoenix is releasing $10.4 million in grants to 70 organizations that help those in need throughout Arizona, including those that support women’s health and pregnancy services, homeless, veterans, unemployed, the elderly, and more.

The CDA provides Catholic-affiliated agencies the means to continue their missions, such as educating and forming future priests, providing for religious education and Catholic education for today’s youth, and adult faith formation through Kino Catechetical Institute, among other initiatives.

Catholic Charities helps veterans get back on their feet

Several months ago, Richard, an Army veteran, had no housing and was camping in the woods after he left his job to take care of his father in Utah who had cancer. He had returned to Northern Arizona for a job that fell through, and he didn’t have the money he needed for a down payment and first and last month’s rent on an apartment without steady employment.

He discovered Catholic Charities Community Services’ veterans program and the agency helped him rent a cottage for six months. Catholic Charities representatives also gave him food and basic necessities and are helping him find a job.

Catholic senior agency helps elderly age with grace

Vivian Sarsam decided to take her 86-year-old husband, Muntaz, to Tempe Adult Day Health Services Center two years ago. The couple has been married for more than 50 years, and she said it was difficult at first to leave her husband, a retired engineer who once spoke several languages, with anyone.

Nazareth House — A New Seminary House of Formation in Phoenix

Men discerning the priesthood for the Diocese of Phoenix spend the first two years of their studies here at home.

Seminarians in Formation
avg. annual expense for 1 seminarian
Diocesan Priests
Deacon Candidates
Permanent Deacons
Permanent Deacons Ordained 2024

How the Church helps provide for education, nutrition for Native American children

St. Peter Indian Mission School in Bapchule, established on the reservation in 1923, has a staff of 40 people. Each level requires an aide in the classroom, and since many of the students are below the poverty line, the school serves breakfast and lunch each day.

Catholic Crisis Pregnancy Centers Save Lives, Provide Women with Hope

For Celeste and her husband of 17 years, the thought of having another child was too much for them to bear. With several other children, the family was going through a tough time two years ago and didn’t have a place to live. They often spent the night in their truck.

CDA Funds Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation in Parishes

Systematic catechesis falls largely on parishes through its religious education programs that teach the Catholic faith to all. This effort to pass on the teachings of the Catholic Church is supported each year through generous donations to the Charity and Development Appeal.

Grants and Allocations

CDA funds are restricted and reserved to be expended only for the publicized purposes of the appeal. The total available for allocation each year is calculated by estimating the total pledges to be received by the current campaign, subtracting an allowance for pledges that will not be collected, and adding any unexpended funds that may remain from prior appeals.

Parish Resources

Mark your calendars: 2025 CDA Kickoff Weekend will be February 15-16, 2025!

Welcome, Parish Leaders! We could not do this without you, and we are grateful for your hard work and dedication in promoting the annual Charity & Development Appeal — thank you! Below you will find links to resources that we hope will help in your success. Let us know if we’re missing anything.

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